Friday, 24 January 2020

Committee & Commissions

Central Environment Ministery: set up an Air Quality Management commission under the chair of M.M. Kutti.
NITI Commission Panel: NITI aayog constituted a panel headed by Rajiv Kumar (VC, NITI Aayog) to Reform Urban Planning Education System.

K.V.Kamat Committee: MUMBAI: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has formed a five-member committee under the chairmanship of former ICICI Bank CEO KV Kamath to make recommendations on the financial parameters to be considered in the restructuring of loans impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. To read more, click here
Dr. K.Kasturiranjan Committee: Drafted new education policy 2019, To read more click here=> Kasturiranjan Committee
To know details of new Education Policy,2019 Click this link =>New Education Policy,2019

Kris GopalKrishanan Panel: To make laws for storing info/data of Users by Google, Facebook & Amazon etc.  Read more about it, clicking Here: Kris GopalKrishanan Panel
Ram Mandir Trust:  appointment:
President: Mahant Nritya Gopal Das
Incharge: Nirpendra Mishra(Former principal secretary)
G-20 Group and its member countries.

Justice G. Rohini Panel: For OBC sub-categorization, Centre’s panel to seek 8-10% OBC sub-quota; Other Backward Classes: Centre’s panel to seek 8-10% OBC sub-quota Presently, half of these 1,900-odd castes have availed less than three percent of reservation in jobs and education and the rest availed zero benefits during the last five years, was appointed in 2007 with the initial deadline of 12 weeks, recently got another 6 months extension.
Ram Mandir Trust  appointment:
President:Mahant Nritya Gopal Das
Incharge:Nirpendra Mishra(Former principal secretary)


Economy 2025

Economy 2025  => India rank in steel production:   India is at 2nd rung in steel production.