Sunday, 9 February 2020

Tit - Bits

Vishva Bharti Centenary Celebration: was addressed by PM Modi, thus, turning the 2nd PM only to do so, earlier it was addressed by,then, PM Shastri ji in 1964. It was founded in 1921.

KVIC(Khadi & village Industry Commission): came out with a mask made of Muslin(Malmal) with imprinted "Shubh Dipawali" on it.

Bhashan Char Island: in Bangladesh.

Difference between the flag ceremony of 26th January and  15 th August:
On 15th August, the flag is HOISTED(from below) & unfurled.
On 26th Jan, the flag is already up there and is UNFURLED.
Even, the ceremonies are called flag hoisting on 15th August and unfurling the FLAG on 26th Jan.

Election Miles Stones: 

@* AAP party won 88% of seats but there were instances where one party won 100 % of seats.They were-1) Sikkim Sangram Parisad in 1989 in state legislation Election.2) Again,it was in Sikkim that its party Sikkim Democratic Front won 100 % seats in State legislature election in 2009.@* FATF:The Financial Action Task Force, also known by its French name, Groupe d'action financière, is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering. In 2001 its mandate expanded to include terrorism financing. Has itd Head Quarter at Paris. Has some 34 member nations.

@*Grey_List of FATF:having  your name in this list,put you in difficulty for getting financial support or any such liaisons. Pak is in this list.@*Black_List of FATF: Having name in this list implies it is impossible to have any financial relation. Pak is at the verge of getting put.
@* Donald Trump: to use FORCE 1 plane to fly here and move here & there using A car named "BEAST".

COVID 19- Is the name given to  Ailment caused by CORONAVIRUS.
=> GOOGLE+ is renamed as "GOOGLE CURRENTS"
Weather Alerts:


Economy 2025

Economy 2025  => India rank in steel production:   India is at 2nd rung in steel production.