Friday, 16 July 2021

Important Reports 2021


Various Reports, deciding the fate of the day.

Latest Updated on:         05-08-2021

Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) & World Food Program launched a report, named: "Hunger Hotspot"

"World Investment Report 2020": This report was released by UNCTAD. Accordingly, India is the 5th favorite destination for FDI. India received $ 64 billion FDI in the year 2020. India ranked fifth in the world in terms of foreign investment. Moreover, $71 billion FDI came in the year 2020 in South Asia.

 Rhodium Group(Think tank) Report: China is emitting more greenhouse gases than OECD and EU combined.

    Read more at the link given, here:

►NITI commission & Mastercards published a report: "Connected Commerce".                                                    

Asia Development Outlook Report 2021: released by Asian Development Bank. 

Growth in 2021 is forecast to be strongest in East and South Asia, and more moderate in Central and Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The main risks to the outlook are new virus outbreaks or delays in vaccine procurement and administration. Prolonged unemployment and disrupted education caused by the pandemic could have long-term consequences.

To achieve green, resilient, and inclusive recovery, the region needs to mobilize huge sums of capital. Solid evidence associates green and social finance with positive impacts globally and in Asia.

This edition’s theme chapter on financing a green and inclusive recovery explores the drivers and impacts of green and social finance and its prospects in the region. Recently, financial gain has joined altruistic motives for investment, which bodes well for future expansion. Policies implemented through regulatory and fiscal measures can further accelerate the development of green and social finance.

United Nations Population Fund: released its latest report, named "The State of World Population Report 2021". Its main features are 

State of World Population Report

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has launched World Population Status Report 2021, title: My body is my own.

• This is the first time a UN report has focused on 'Bodily Autonomy'. The report defines bodily Autonomy as the power and agency to make choices about your body without fear of violence or having someone else decide for you.

• Nearly half the women from 57 developing countries do not have the right to make decisions regarding their bodies, including using contraception, seeking healthcare, or even on their sexuality. Women around the world are denied the fundamental right of bodily autonomy with the COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbating this situation.

To read more, visit this link:

IMF released its report: "World Economic Outlook Report 2021". Read more here

World Wind Energy Council: released its report, named "Global Wind Report 2021. The organization has its head-quarter in Brussels. Tamil Nadu ranks 1 in Wind Energy Production.

World bank's "World Development Report 2021: The world bank announced that the World Bank Group’s next World Development Report (WDR) for 2021 will be on Data for Development. Its theme will be "Data for better lives".

India Justice Reportreleased by 'Tata Trust', adjudged Maharastra as the best state in delivery of Justice.

Good Governance Index 2020: Tamil Nadu tops the good governance index among big states, Maharashtra and Karnataka get second, the third slot. The southern state of Tamil Nadu has bagged the top position in the composite ranking for good governance index (GGI), followed by Maharashtra and Karnataka, according to data provided by the Personnel Ministry.

Chhattisgarh has got the fourth position, followed by Andhra Pradesh (fifth), Gujarat (sixth), Haryana (seventh) and Kerala at the eight rank, it said.

सुशासन सूचकांक -2019  GOOD GOVERNANCE INDEX (GGI) 2019
सुशासन सूचकांक को राज्यों एवं केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों को तीन भागों में विभाजित करके निकाला गया
1)बड़े राज्यों,2) पूर्वोत्तर एवं पहाड़ी राज्य और 3)केंद्रशासित प्रदेशों में
कचरा मुक्त शहरों के स्टार रेटिंग रिपोर्ट 2019-20
केंद्रीय आवास एवं शहरी मामलों के मंत्रालय द्वारा जारी
- रिपोर्ट में 5 स्टार रेटिंग मात्र 6 शहरों को दिया गया
- 3 स्टार रेटिंग 65 शहरों को दिया गया
+ 1स्टार रेटिंग 70 शहरों को दिया गया
| अंबिकापुर (छतीसगढ़), राजकोट (गुजरात).
5स्टार सूरत (गुजरात), मैसूर (कर्नाटक)
इंदौर (मध्य प्रदेश), नवी मुंबई (महाराष्ट्र)
3 स्टार
सर्वाधिक 34 शहर महाराष्ट्र के
राज्य / केंद्र शासित प्रदेश
राज्य / केंद्र शासित प्रदेश
प्रथम स्थान - तमिलनाडु (स्कोर 5.62)
बड़े राज्यों में ओवरऑल द्वितीय स्थान - महाराष्ट्र (स्कोर 5.40)
परफॉर्मेंस में तृतीय स्थान - कर्नाटक (स्कोर 5.10)
अंतिम स्थान.- झारखंड (स्कोर 4.23),
पूर्वोत्तर और पहाड़ी प्रथम स्थान - हिमाचल प्रदेश
राज्यों में अंतिम स्थान - अरुणाचल प्रदेश
केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों में प्रथम स्थान - पुडुचेरी, अंतिम स्थान - लक्षद्वीप

Swachh Survekshan Index 2020:  That was the 5th edition of the drive.  Swachh Survekshan monitors the performance of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014. This year, Swachh Survekshan was conducted in 4,242 cities, 62 cantonment boards and 92 Ganga towns.  Last year’s position holder for the cleanest city in India, Indore, has emerged victorious for two years before that - in 2017 and 2018.

Major Categories and Rankings:

  • Cities with a population of more than 10 lakh:
    • Indore was ranked first, securing the rank for the fourth consecutive year, followed by Surat and Navi Mumbai.
    • All the National Capital Region (NCR) cities, Greater Mumbai, Bruhat Bengaluru, Amritsar, Kota, Chennai, etc. have performed poorly.
    • Patna with the rank of 47, is at the bottom of the list.
  • Cities with a population of 1-10 lakh:
    • Chhattisgarh’s Ambikapur has been surveyed as the cleanest city in the country, followed by Mysore and New Delhi.
    • Bihar’s Gaya with a rank of 382, is at the bottom.
  • Cities with a population of less than 1 lakh:
    • Karad has been ranked as the cleanest followed by Sasvad and Lonavala (all three in Maharashtra).
  • Other Categories:
    • Varanasi has been ranked the cleanest among 46 Ganga towns.
    • Jalandhar got the top rank among cantonments.
    • New Delhi was the cleanest capital city.
    • Chhattisgarh was ranked the cleanest State out of those with over 100 urban local bodies (ULBs) or cities.
    • Jharkhand was the cleanest state with less than 100 ULBs or cities.
    •  प्रमुख रिपोर्ट
  •  -स्वच्छ सर्वेक्षण रिपोर्ट- 2020 (5 वां संस्करण),  
  •     -जारीकर्ता केंद्रीय आवास और शहरी मंत्रालय -सर्वेक्षण क्वालिटी काउंसिल ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा -                                                                                                                                     
  •     जनसंख्या के आधार पर शहरों के वर्गीकरण कर रैकिंग जारी की गई। -रिपोर्ट में इंदौर को लगातार चौथे वर्ष भारत का सबसे स्वच्छ शहर घोषित किया गया।      
  •   10 लाख से अधिक आबादी वाले शहर में (सवसे स्वच्छ शहर)
  •   A) प्रथम स्थान इंदौर (स्कोर - 5647.56),B) द्वितीय स्थान- सूरत (स्कोर - 5519.59) C)तृतीय स्थान - नवी मुंबई (स्कोर -5467.89)
  •    ****नोट- :- इस सूची में विहार का पटना शहर सबसे नीचे (47 वीं रैक)
  •    1 से 10 लाख तक आवादी वाले शहर में (सबसे स्वच्छ शहर)
  •    A)प्रथम स्थान - अम्बिकापुर (छत्तीसगढ),B) द्वितीय स्थान - मैसूर (कर्नाटक), C)तृतीय स्थान - नई दिल्ली
  •    ****नोट- :- इस सूची में बिहार का गया शहर सबसे नीचे (382 वीरेक)
  • 1 लाख से कम आबादी वाले शहर में
  • महाराष्ट्र के तीन शहर : A)कराह, B)ससवाड और C)लोनावाला सबसे स्वच्छ शहर के रुप में चुना गया।
  • वाराणसी - सर्वश्रेष्ठ गंगा शहर , भोपाल - सबसे स्वच्छ राजधानी,  जालंधर छावनी बोर्ड  - सबसे स्वच्छ छावनी बोर्ड घोषित
  • ****छतीसगढ को सबसे स्वच्छ राज्य का खिताब दिया गया।


    Ease of Doing Business Report by World Bank: India improves her position significantly. It stood at the rung of 63rd, while in 2015, it was 142nd.                   

       Read more

    Ease of Doing Business(India):

                                                                                                                                              राज्यों के इज ऑफ डूइंग बिजनेस रिपोर्ट 2020
                                                                                                                        वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण द्वारा रैकिंग जारी (चौथा संस्करण, 4th Version)
                                               - इज ऑफ डूइंग रैकिंग को विजनेस रिफार्म एक्शन प्लान के अंतर्गत, डिपार्टमेंट फॉर प्रमोशन ऑफ इंडस्ट्री एंड इंटर्नल ट्रेड (DPIIT) द्वारा तैयार किया जाता है।
                                             उद्देश्य - घरेलू और वैधिक निवेशकों को आकर्षित करने, कारोवारी माहौल में सुधार कर राज्यों के बीच प्रतिस्पर्धा पैदा करना है।
                                                                                                                                              स्थान.                       राज्य
                                                                                                                                              प्रयम.                       आंध्र प्रदेश
                                                                                                                                              द्वितीय.                     उत्तर प्रदेश
                                                                                                                                              तृतीय.                       तेलंगाना
                                                                                                                                              चौये.                         मध्य प्रदेश
                                                                                                                                              पाँचवा.                      झारखंड
                                          Note - सबसे नीचे स्थान त्रिपुरा को मिला (36 वां),      बिहार को 26वां स्थान प्राप्त हुआ।

    UNESCO report "Education Status in India"   TheState of the Education Report for India 2020: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), was launched virtually today by UNESCO New Delhi, with over 400 attendees, including representatives from the government, civil society, academia, partners and youth. 


    Asian Development Bank releases: Asian Development Outlook Report 2020. Read more at:

    Kotak Wealth Management Reports: affirms HCL Chairperson Roshni Nadar as the Richest Woman of India.

    Asian Development Bank: came out with a book, titled "Future of Regional Cooperation in Asia".

    Delhi is the most polluted city of the world: as declared by a study report of 2014 on air quality of  1600 cities in 91 countries.  
    The city stands at 2nd rung is Chengdu from China, 3rd is Lahore from Pakistan & 4th & 5th is one city from Mangolia & Poland each.

    World Wildlife Fund Report: As per the WWW water risk filter, 100 cities will suffer most by 2050, that include 30 Indian cities like Jaipur, Amritsar, Kolkata, Mumbai, Kozhikode face a potential water risk if action is not taken to adapt to climate change, says a study conducted by WWF.

    Harun Rich list(India) 2020: included 7 persons from Banglore & 2 From Delhi in Top 10.

    Ease of Doing Business 2020 Report: Andhra Pradesh topped (1st rank) & Tripura is at the bottom (36th Rank) & It is 4th version of this Survey.

    Swachh Survekshan 2020 Report:  Indore Is India's Cleanest City And Chhattisgarh The Cleanest State & It is the 5th version of Survey.

    WEF report of Jobs 2020: WEF in its Report ("Future of Jobs") maintains that there will be major shift in the division of labor between humans & Machines that it can displace 85 million jobs by 2025 while giving rise to 97 million new roles. To read more click here

    Report on Internation Migration Approval: Released by OECD(The Organization For Economic Co-operation & Development), here, China & India are the major players. Its report on No. of Migrants & no. who take the Citizenship of destination country. Here, China is the top & then followed by India.
    New Asia Power Index :  The Lowy Institute, a Sydney-based think tank, released its annual Asia Power Index on October 19, the third such report since 2018. It simply says The US status is diminishing while the Chinese are getting the momentum, here India is at 4th place as China, the US, Japan & then India.

    FATF report: FATF in its latest review report said that it has decided to keep Pak on Grey List for not following its advisory to curb on terrorism.

    Towards a Clean Energy Economy: Post-COVID-19 Opportunities for India's Energy and Mobility Sectors, advocates for stimulus and recovery efforts that work towards building a clean, resilient, and least-cost energy future for India: report by NITI Aayog and Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) identifies how COVID-19 is beginning to influence the clean energy transition in India, specifically for the transport and power sectors. The report recommends principles and strategic opportunities for the country's leaders to drive economic recovery and maintain momentum towards a clean energy economy. To know more, click here

    Uganda becomes the first African country to submit REDD+ results:  paves way for payments, The mechanism by the United Nations calls for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Uganda has become the first African country to submit results for Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

     =>REDD+ is a mechanism developed by the parties to the UNFCCC to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

    The results submitted to the UNFCCC have paved the way for potential results-based payments to the country, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said on June 24, 2020.

     To read more,  click here
    UN louds Indian efforts on prevention of Child Mortality: UN report says that India has registered a significant drop in the rate of Child Mortality (1990-2019) (Death of Child, before attaining the age of 5 years). The 'Levels & Trends in Child Mortality Report 2020 said that the number of global under-five deaths dropped to its lowest point on record in 2019 - down to 5.2 million from 12.5 million in 1990. To read more,  click here


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