Showing posts with label World Geography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Geography. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 March 2020

World Geography: Few important one liners.

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World Geography   

Height of Mt. Everest is recalibrated: The new height is taken as 8848.46 meters.

The sun is overhead on the Equator: on 2 days March 21 & September 23 (in the state of EQUINOX).
  •  Sun in Solstice: Summer Solstice - June 21, Winter Solstice – 22 December.
  •  Earth: moves from West to East, at the speed of 18.5 miles/second.
  •      Prehilion: Jan 3, and Aphelion: July 4.
Time Zones: There are 24 time Zones, Each time zone is separated by 15° apart or one hour that implies each longitude differs by 4 minutes. 

·      Discontinuity between Core & Mantle: Guttenberg Discontinuity
  •  Discontinuity between Mantle & Core: Mohorvivic Discontinuity.
  • International Date Line: Passes through BERING STRAIT, FIZI, TONGA, etc. 
  •  Magnetic longitude align to geographic pole by: 15 degrees.
  • Tectonic Plates: there are 20 tectonic plates in Lithosphere, Largest Plate is Pacific Plate while the smallest is North American Plate.
  • Types of plates boundaries: 3, viz. Convergent, Divergent & Transforming plates.
  • 3 Types of Earthquake Waves: P- Primary, S-Secondary & L-Long waves.
  • ·       Spring Tide: on new or full moons.

  • ·       90 degrees Ridge is in: Indian Ocean.
·      Richer Scale: is used to measure Intensity
·      Mercalli Scale: is used to measure Magnitude.
·      Types of Mountains: 1) Structural 2)Tectonic 3) Residual & 4) Dissected. Other names for Types of Mountains: Fold, Block & Volcanic
·      Types of Plains: Structural, Erosion & Depositional plains.
·      Types of Plateau: Intermontane P, Piedoment P & Continental P.
·      Layers of Atmosphere: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, Ionosphere(thermosphere) and Exosphere.
·      It is only in Stratosphere: that Temperature decreases with Height.
·      Ozone: is found in Stratosphere.
·       Ionosphere: is a conducting layer, it is made of 2 minor layer:
 1) E-Layer (Kennedy Heavyside  Layer And 
2) F-layer    ( Appleton Layer)
·      Jet-Stream: From west to east, in the Troposphere.

  • ·      Coriolis Effect: Is maximum at Poles & Minimum at the Equator. The Coriolis effect is defined as how a moving object seems to veer toward the right in the Northern hemisphere and left in the Southern hemisphere. An example of the Coriolis effect is hurricane winds turning left in the Northern hemisphere.
  • The Grand Banks of Newfoundland are a series of underwater plateaus south-east of the island of Newfoundland on the North American continental shelf. The Grand Banks is one of the world's richest fishing grounds, supporting Atlantic Cod, Swordfish, haddock and capelin, as well as shellfish, seabirds and sea mammals
  • Dogger Bank is a large sandbank in a shallow area of the North Sea about 100 kilometers off the east coast of England. During the last ice age the bank was part of a large landmass connecting Europe and the British Isles, now known as Doggerland
  • ·      El- Nino: This is a warm current.
  • ·      Strait: A narrow strait of water connecting 2 large Water Bodies. Also, separating 2 large landmasses.
  • ·      Isthmus:  A narrow stretch of land, connecting 2 landmasses, 2 sea bordering either side, E.G. Isthmus of Panama- Connecting South & North America.
  •      Playa Lake: Formed due to Rain Waters in Local Depressions.
  • ·      Cyclone is known with different name in a different region:

     The Atlantic Ocean and the northeastern Pacific Ocean,
     Tropical Cyclone
     Indian Ocean
     China Sea

  • Strait of Malacca: Separates Sumatra & Malaysia
  • Gibraltar: Separates Spain & Morocco. 
  • Bass Strait: Bass Strait is a sea strait separating Tasmania from the Australian mainland, specifically the state of Victoria.
  • Cyclone Directions: counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere, and clockwise in the southern hemisphere
  • Water Currents:  ocean currents in the northern hemisphere go clockwise and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere
  • ·       Highest Water Fall:  Angel Fall ( Salto Angel)  in Venezuela. Angel Falls is located on a tributary of the Rio Caroni
·       Various Cold Winds & the Concerned Regions:

Name of Wind
Concerned Region
Hungary to North Italy
The Alps & France
Western side of Andes Mountain
Tundra region

  • Various Warm Winds and the concerned Regions:        

Name of Wind
Name of Concerned Region
US and Canada
Iran, Iraq & Arabian Peninsula
Santa Ana

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