Sunday, 18 July 2021

Latest in Ecology 2021

                                      Ecology Updates: one-liners.

Latest Updated on:   09-12-2021

India's 47th site in Ramsar Site list: Haiderpur wetland of U.P. has been included in the Ramsar list, thus making the number of Ramsar sites in India, to 47.

One Sun One World One sun initiative: OSOWOG, Introduced in CoP 26, in Glasgow.

CoP 26(UNFCC): to be organized in Glasgow from 1-12 November. At least 195 countries are expected to participate in.

  • Chattishgarh became the 1st state to: recognize Community Forest Resource Rights in an urban area, with the state government recognizing the rights of residents of Dhamtari district over 4,127 hectares of forests. Community resource rights over 5,544 hectares of forest within the core area of the tiger reserve area were also recognized.
  • Minervarya Pentali: A newly discovered species of frog in the Western Ghats has been named after the former Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University and renowned Plant Geneticist Deepak Pental. The researchers published a report on the frog Minervarya Pentali after a comprehensive study of 10 years.

Odissa government is to prepare DNA profiling of its: Leopards. 

  • As many as 250 hides of leopards have been recovered from various parts of Odisha between 2012 and 2020 In order to protect tigers from near extinction in Odisha, the State government announced that it will soon roll out a comprehensive plan for DNA profiling of the big cats.

India aims to get the capability of production of: 175 GW of renewable energy.

14 Indian Tiger reserves got CA|TS accreditation:  on the occasion of International Tiger Day on July 29, 2021. The 14 tiger reserves which have attained accreditation are Manas Tiger Reserve, Kaziranga Tiger Reserve and Orang Tiger Reserve in Assam, Satpura Tiger Reserve, Kanha Tiger Reserve and Panna Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh.

Pench Tiger Reserve in Maharashtra, Valmiki Tiger Reserve in Bihar, Dudhwa Tiger Reserve in Uttar Pradesh, Parambikulam Tiger Reserve in Kerala, Mudumalai Tiger Reserve and Anamalai Tiger Reserve in Tamil Nadu, Bandipur Tiger Reserve in Karnataka and Sundarbans Tiger Reserve in West Bengal also received the honor.                          

BOLD Project: KVIC & BSF launched this project to promote bamboo cultivation in draught-prone areas of Rajasthan.

Harit Sohra campaign: Launched in Cherrapunji( Meghalaya)

WWF & UNEP report: many major species have the danger of extinction.

"Operation Pravah": started at Kochin Air-Port, a multifaceted infrastructure program scoping to integrate flood mitigation projects already initiated by CIAL with District Administration and various local self-governments.

NTPC is to set up a floating solar Energy plant in: Ramagundam(Telangana). It will be 100 MW.

Denmark became the 1st nation to ratify: the ISA framework agreement

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Bundi(Rajasthan) Wildlife Sanctuary declared 'Tiger Reserve: is India's 52nd & Rajasthan's 4th Tiger Reserve.

World's 1st GM rubber plant: the world’s first genetically modified (GM) rubber plant was planted on Tuesday on the outskirts of Guwahati, Assam. It is developed by the Kerala-based Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII), under the Rubber Board through long years of research in its Biotechnology laboratory.

Tata Motors & Tata Power inaugurated: India’s largest grid-synchronized, behind-the-meter solar carport at its facility in Chikhali, Pune. The initiative is taken in line with the Tata Group ’s philosophy to promote green manufacturing.

High-Level Hydrogen Task Force: according to Strategic clean Energy Partnership, is a high-level bi-lateral collaboration between the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) and the US Department of Energy (DOE), in coordination with the U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) that brings together industry and academia, with the goal of integrating the private sector inputs to bring in the latest technology and adopt business models towards development and deployment of hydrogen technologies.

Odisha has emerged as the only state to have all three species of:  the reptile freshwater Ghadials at Satakosiya in Mahanadi, muggers in Bhitar Kanika National park and saltwater crocodiles.

"Green Hydrogen Initiative": hosted by India, virtually 0n 22 - 23 June.

Researchers from India & Philippines jointly found the longest tree in Andaman & Nicobar Island Group:   The said tree measure 15 meters, it belongs to the Coffee genus.

GI certified banana exported to Dubai: In a major boost to exports of Geographical Indications (GI) certified agricultural produce, a consignment of fiber and mineral-rich ‘Jalgaon banana’ has been exported to Dubai.

Bihar Got GI for 'Jardalu Mango': and now, The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), in association with the state agriculture department and Bhagalpur district agriculture department, has exported the first consignment of Geographical Indications (GI) tagged Jardalu mangoes to London on Monday.

  • Karla Patt Wild-life Sanctuary: located in Odisha.
  • Banni Grasslands Reserve: located in Kutch, Gujrat,  23°33′00″N 69°16′00″E / 23.55000°N 69.26667°E / 23.55000; 69.26667. 
  • Nalbana Bird Sanctuary: located in Chilka lake of Odisha on its island, named Nalbana.
  • Gahirmatha Ocean SancturyOdisha, Gahirmatha Turtle Sanctuary is the biggest breeding home of the sea turtles. Gahirmatha is located in Orissa’s Kendrapara District. Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary is world-famous for Olive Ridley sea turtles
  • Bundi Wildlife Sanctuary (Ramgarg in Rajasthan): is India's 52nd & Rajasthan's 4th Tiger Reserve 

♦"Heritage Tree": Maharashtra govt’s proposed amendment for the protection of ‘heritage trees’. Under the proposed amendment, a tree with an estimated age of 50 years or more shall be defined as a heritage tree. Under the proposed amendment, a tree with an estimated age of 50 years or more shall be defined as a heritage tree. It may belong to specific species, which will be notified from time to time. Experts believe that in addition to the age, the state climate change department (which will be implementing the Tree Act), should also consider a tree’s rarity, its botanical, historical, religious, mythological and cultural importance in defining a heritage tree. The local Tree Authority will have to ensure tree census to be carried out every five years along with counting of heritage trees

♦"Operation Olive": Operation Olivia was started by the Indian Coast Guard (ICG), first in the early 1980s. This operation helps in protecting Olive Ridley turtles every year when they start nesting along the Odisha coast for breeding in months of November to December.

"Dehang-Patkoi": is the 7th national Park in the State.

Haryana Government is to establish: an "Oxyvan" (forest of Oxygen) at Karnal.

Raimona Reserve Forest: Raimona reserve forest in lower Assam became the state’s sixth national park. The Raimona National Park, which is within the Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR), is part of a contiguous forest patch with an area of 422 square kilometers, covering the northern part of the notified Ripu Reserve Forest along the Indo-Bhutan border.

"King Cobra" 1st seen in: Himachal Pradesh.                         Kevadia(a city in Gujrat): is going to be the 1st "Electric-Vehicle City" of the nation. KevadiaThe area will be known not only for the 182-meter-tall statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, but also for being the first city in the country to receive an electric vehicle (EV).Electric vehicles

Total Forest Cover in India: in the present assessment, the total forest and tree cover of the country is 80.73 million hectares which is 24.56 percent of the geographical area of the country. In a remarkable feat, forest and tree cover has increased by more than 13 Lakhs hectares in the last four years.

Union Government set a target for Ethanol mixing in Petrol: 10% ethanol mix with petrol by 2022 and 20% by 2030 is what the government is aiming to achieve.

NGT approves for the "Vishvamitra River Project in: Gujrat.

E-100 project: For the production of Ethanol.  P.M. Modi inaugurated this project. This project is founded in Pune.

HDFC bank: declared that it will turn into a Carbon Neutral organization by 2031-32.

♦NITI Aayog released the 3rd edition of SDG India Index 2020-21: The third rendition of India’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Index will be launched by NITI Aayog on 3rdJune, 2021. First launched in December 2018, the index has become the primary tool for monitoring progress on the SDGs in the country and has simultaneously fostered competition among the States and Union Territories by ranking them on the Global Goals. Kerala ranked as the top-performing state with a score of 75 while Bihar was the worst performing state with a score of 52 in the NITI Aayog’s SDG India Index 2020-21.

The scientists found a chocolate-colored frog in: in world's 2nd largest island, New Ginni. New Guinea is an island to the north of the Australian mainland, south of the equator. It is isolated by the Arafura Sea to the west, and the Torres Strait and the Coral Sea to the east.

World's largest iceberg breaks off from Antarctica: Its name is A-76. The world's largest iceberg has calved from Antarctica over the past few days, a giant floating piece of ice close to 80 times the size of Manhattan. The iceberg broke off the western side of the Ronne Ice Shelf in Antarctica's Weddell Sea, 

International Bio-Diversity Day: 22 May.

Sundarlal Bahuguna: the leader of "CHIPKO MOVEMENT" passes away due to COVID-19' in the AIIMS, Rishikesh.

♦Solar photovoltaic (PV) front.index: India has moved a notch higher at the third spot on EY's Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index due to exceptional performance on the solar photovoltaic (PV) front.

World Wild-Life Fund Report: released its report on 'Snow Leopard' & says "Over 70% snow leopard habitat remains unexplored". Nepal, India and China had conducted the most snow leopard research, followed by Mongolia and Pakistan, according to the report.

To read more, click this link:

Rhodium Group(Think tank) Report: China is emitting more greenhouse gases than OECD and EU combined.

    Read more at the link given, here:

Harley-Davidson: launched "LiveWire", the electric motorcycle.

Germany aims to make itself "a zero carbon-emitting country: by 2030.

Tamilnadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore:  The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) has designed an ‘oxygen park’ within its premises at Coimbatore with Beema Bamboo. Beema or Bheema Bamboo is a superior clone, selected from Bambusa balcooa , a higher biomass yielding bamboo species.

Indian Army installed Sikkim's: 1st Solar Energy plant.

"Parvat Dhara": launched in Himachal Pradesh. The scheme was launched to revive, recharge aquifers and conserve the water resources of the state. The main motto of this yojana is to increase the water level by retaining it in water bodies for long period. The ‘Parvat Dhara Yojana’ will be implemented in 10 districts of the state with an outlay of Rs 20 crore. The scheme will be implemented by the forest department of the state. Under this scheme, irrigation facilities will be provided in sloping fields.

Biodegradable yoga mat developed by 6 young girls: A biodegradable and compostable yoga mat developed from water hyacinth by six young girls from the fishing community in Assam could turn this water plant from a nuisance to wealth. The name of this product is Moorhen.

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8 Asiatic Lions found COVID-19 infected: at the Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad have tested positive for the novel Coronavirus.

Chilka Lake(Odisha, the biggest lake of Brackishwater): succeeded in doubling the number of its Dolphins last year. 

Saudi Arabia:  will join"Net Zero Producers Forum".  ThusSaudi Arabia will join the United States, Canada, Norway, and Qatar in forming a new platform for oil and gas producers to discuss how they can support the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Veeral Desai: fondly known as the "Green Man of Gujrat" started a movement called "Satyagraha Against Pollution". Which involves intensive Plantation.

India's 1st Solar Power Plant based on Agriculture launched in: Rajasthan.

♦World Wind Energy Council: released its report, named "Global Wind Report 2021". The organisation has its head-quarter in Brussels. Tamil Nadu ranks 1 in Wind Energy Production.

Bihar became the 1st state to have two green Energy efficient towns as 'Rajgir' & 'Bodhgaya'.

Mahendergiri(Odisha): declared as the 2nd biosphere of the state after Simlipal Biosphere, which had this honor already.

LEED Zero Carbon Certificate: awarded to ITC Windsor hotel of Banglore, thus, turned the 1st hotel in the world to get this honor.

Earth Day Meet: America will host a virtual Climate Change conference on 22nd April, on the eve of Earth Day.

World Bio-Diversity Day: 22 May.

Coca-Cola is to do away with plastic bottles: for bottling & packaging to avoid plastic pollution. For this purpose, the firm will use Paper bottles, so, it has started the the testing.                                   

Patna to house India's 1st Dolphin Research Center.

Tamil Nadu's 5th Tiger Reserve:  Tamil Nadu will now have a new tiger reserve, encompassing over one lakh hectares of land that falls under the Meghamalai Wildlife Sanctuary and Srivilliputhur Grizzled Squirrel Wildlife Sanctuary. It is going to be the 51st "Tiger Reserve"  in India. 

Nanda Devi Glacier broke down: Chamoli District of Uttrakhand, thus destroying the in-building NTPC thermal power plant.

South Korea: is set to found the world's largest "Offshore Wind Farm" by 2030.

Geothrmal Area Development Project: to be set in Leh(Ladakh).

India to host: "World Sustainable Development Summit 2021", under the theme Redefining Our Common Future: Safe and Secure Environment for All in New Delhi from 10-12 Feb 2021

Goverment of Tamilnadu has decided to set a "Multipurpose Algae Park"

Arboretum in Uttra Khand: to be established in Nainital to conserve more than some 210 species of Trees, found in the Shivalik Range of Himalaya.

International Wetlands Day: 2 February.   

Koppal(Karnataka): to house India's 1st Grey Wolf Sanctuary.                       Pakistan Got GI tag: for 'Basmati Rice'.   2021 as Year of Environment: India & France to celebrate so.

Mount Merapi, Indonesia's Most Active Volcano: Erupts, Sending Ash Over 6,500 Feet Into the Air.

                    Read more, here:

Tamilnadu renamed a newly found species of "ANT" after: Amitabh Joshi.  (2 new species of ant have been found in Kerala & Tamilnadu".

Zoological Survey Of India reports: that the "Sundarban Biosphere Reserve" houses a total of 428 species of Birds.

United Nations Development Program(UNDP): Conducted a wholesome survey on Climate Changes as "The Peoples' Climate Vote".

"Union Ministry of Road Transport": to levy a "Green Tax" on Old Vehicles. According to the proposal, transport vehicles older than eight years could be charged Green Tax at the time of renewal of fitness certificate, at the rate of 10 to 25 percent of road tax, while personal vehicles will be charged Green Tax at the time of renewal of registration certification after 15 years.

Gucgchhi Mushroom: Mostly found in Jammu & Kashmir got the GI tag. It is grown in the Himalayan region after a snowfall. It has a unique flavor & earthly aroma, 1 kilogram of this Mushroom can cost Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 30,000.                                                                  

Gujrat Govt. renamed the fruit: name of the "Dragon Fruit" is changed to "Kamalam".

"Saksham 2021" campaign: launched by Petroleum Conservation & Research Authority(PCRA), to encourage consumers to "Clean Engines".

Pepsico: aimed to turn into "Zero Carbon Emitter" by the year 2040.

Karuna Awareness Campaign: is the campaign started by Gujrat State Government. To prevent death and injuries to birds during the "Uttarayan kite festival".

Zoological Survey of India started GPS tagging: of endangered Olive Ridley to track their migration path in the off-shore waters of Odisha

Sonia Aggarwal: has been selected by US president-elect Joe-Biden as his advisor for "Climate Change Policy & Implementation".


Lucknow Municipal Corporation started "Thaila Bank": under this scheme, Thaila (the carry bags made up of clothing) selling stalls will be there, everywhere around the shops, to minimize the Plastic Pollution. The bags will be readily available and will be in reach of all, be rich or poor.

Wildlife Protection Efforts in India



1)National Parks


2)Wildlife Sanctuaries


3)Conservation Reserves


4)Community Reserves


India has a no. of  903 such protected Areas, which occupy an area of 1, 65,012,59 square km,

a 5.02 % of the total area of India.(as reported by the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change, Jan 2021)

Siruvani Hills( Coimbatore): has been identified as a "Butterfly Hotspot" by The Nature and Butterfly Society (TNBS).

Andhra Pradesh: has started a "Water Bird"  census.

CoP 26:  The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, is the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference. It is scheduled to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from 1 to 12 November 2021 under the presidency of the United Kingdom. The COP26 UN climate change conference was postponed due to COVID-19, which was slated to be held in the year 2020.


Floating Solar Energy Plant: It will be the largest floating plant at the Omkareshwar Dam on Narmada River at Khandwa block in M.P.


FSSAI (Food Safety & Standard Authority Of India): lowered the portion of 'Trans Fats' in packaged food. Earlier, it was 5 %, it lowers to 3 % now.


♦Meghalaya Ginger Processing Plant: Northeast's First-Ever Ginger Processing Plant In Meghalaya To Become Functional, at district Ri-Bhoui in Meghalaya is being revived and is likely to become functional at the beginning of 2021.

Fire in Dzukou Valley: This valley on the boundary of Manipur-Nagaland is engulfed by massive fire, causing damage to the environment, The Dzukou valley is a popular tourist spot and is famous for its seasonal flowers and bio-diversity.

Gujrat: declared its "Solar Energy Policy".

Updated on:  Wednesday, 30-12-2020 , below given is all about ecology arena in the year 2020.

Iceberg A68a is to collide: It is now(December 2020) reportedly said that this massive iceberg is headed towards South Georgia Island, and could hit the remote world in the southern Atlantic teeming with wildlife within days. The iceberg is bigger than Singapore or Luxembourg and is 4,200 square kilometers.

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Hot Air Balloon Wild Safari: Badhavgarh Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh is the 1st Tiger  Reserve to have this facility in the country.

Tso Kar Lake in Ladakh: is the 42nd wetland site from India, which has been added in Ramsar Wetland List. The Tso Kar or Tsho kar, known for its size and depth, is a fluctuating salt lake situated in the Rupshu       Plateau and valley in the southern part of Ladakh in India.

Its Fantastic, Fabulous(India got a 60 % hike in the no. Of Leopards): now we have 12852, whereas the 7910 as per the 2014 census.



Monkey Rehabilitation Center: Telengana,

Nehru Zoological Park,Hydrabad: received ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

French P.M led for Climate Change:  French President Emmanuel Macron announced a referendum to add the fight against climate change and the need to preserve the environment into the French     Constitution.                                                 


P.M. Modi inaugurated world's largest renewable Energy Park in Surat.

Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare: Declared UT of Lakshadweep as the state with Fully Organic Agriculture.

Orchha & Gwalior of Madhya Pradesh: These two fort cities of  Madhya Pradesh have been included in UNESCO's World Heritage Cities.

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Kutchh: all is set to Kutchh to have the world's Largest Renewable Park.

Kanhargargaon wildlife Sanctuary: Maharashtra Govt. has decided to upgrade Kanhargaon in Chandrapur Distt. of Maharashtra as Wildlife Sanctuary,  it will be the 50th Wildlife Sanctuary of Maharashtra.

New Zealand: has set the year 2025 as time limit to turn a Carbon Neutral Nation.

Clean Meat: Singapore has approved one company to serve Lab-made meat, not from slaughtered Animals.

US air Quality Index: Lahore(Pakistan) has the most poisonous air, New Delhi(India) is at the 2nd Rung.

Renewable Energy In India: India aims as producing 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030.   

Raimona: is the 4th National Park proposed in Assam. 

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Wild-Life Conservation in Gujrat: Gujrat has led the Wild-life Conservation  With PPP model. Accordingly, 12 Leopards were given under Reliance Industries.

Ecobridge in Uttrakhand:  Uttarakhand Forest Department built one-of-its-kind bridge across Ramnagar Forest Division. They have built an eco-bridge across a highway in Kala Dungri range. This eco-bridge is 90-ft long and 5-ft wide and is made from bamboo, rope and grass and the aim behind this bridge is to save reptile species from being killed by vehicles.

Arunachal Kiwi: is an Organic certified Food.

Pilibhit (U.P.) Tiger Reserve: Philibhit Tiger reserve got the 1st international Award TX2, among the 13 tiger-ranging countries for having doubled the number of tigers in less than the stipulated time.


Britain(UK): banned the sale of all new cars fuelled by Petrol & Diesel.

Tristan da Cunka:  Tristan da Cunha, a small chain of islands in the south Atlantic, is to create the planet’s fourth-largest marine reserve. A chain of volcanic islands in the south Atlantic will set aside a stretch of ocean almost three times the size of the UK to protect nature – creating the world’s fourth-largest marine reserve.

Sur-Sarovar( Akka Keetham Lake) & Lonar Lake(Maharastra): found a place, Ramsar List of Wetlands,

Vaisno Devi Shrines board: Got the "Water Conservation Award". In 2019, the Vaishno Devi Shrine Board received the ‘Best Swachh Iconic Place’ award under the Centre’s Swachh Bharat Mission. Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board has bagged the first prize for water conservation management in the category of best institution, resident welfare association and religious organisation for successful campus usage, from the Union Ministry of Jal Shakti. Read more at:

    Tripura  launches eco-friendly bamboo candles, diyas ahead of Diwali. Read at: http://Tripura launches eco-friendly bamboo candles, diyas ahead of Diwali.

    Sandal Museum in Karrnataka: Karnataka Government has decided to set up a Sandal Museum in Masoor Palace, to add to the value addition of tourists at the Palace, in number.

    Amur Falcons: Tripura Issues warning against the killing this migratory bird. Nagaland has done the same already.

    To read more, click this link

    Kill 'Mink': Denmark Govt. has order killing of 1.5 crore minks, housing the nation, suspecting of adding to the infections of COVID-19.

    World's largest Elephant Rehabitilation Center: Kerala's acclaimed elephant rehabilitation centre at nearby Kottoor is set to become the largest care-and-cure centre for pachyderms in the world with upgraded features and facilities. The existing jumbo care centre at Kottoor, located over 25 kmsaway from the capital city, is being upgraded to international standards as part of the state government's special programme for the protection and conservation of elephants.

    Arunachal Pradesh: This state Government started PDS system based on Solar Energy.

    Tejpur(Assam) Lichi: got GI tag. GI tag has granted Tezpur Litchi incontrovertible proof of its origin in the state.

    US quits: Paris Climate Agreement.

    100 % tax free: Tamil Nadu govt. declared all battery run vehicles tax-free. 

    Panna Tiger Reserve: located in M.P. has been enlisted in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, Now, it has a total of 714 such sites. 
    To read more, click this link

    Jute Bags made mandatory: Central Govt. made it mandatory for 100%  packing  of Food-Grains.

    Japan to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions to net-zero by 2050:  To read more, click this link:

    Adopt an Animal: is a scheme launched by Nandkanan Zoological park in Odisha. Now you can adopt an animal of your choice from Nandankanan Zoological Park. The “Adopt an Animal” program would support the Zoo's world-class care and services for all inhabitants by providing quality food to meet their nutritional requirements, medical care, equipment, up gradation of the enclosure and enrichments.

    To read more, click this link

    Kabartal(in Bihar): also known as Kanwar Jheel is the latest Indian Entity included in the list of Ramsar Sites, thus , Indian tally is 39 now.

    To read more, Visit this link

    Asan Conservation Reserve:  first Uttarakhand wetland to make it to Ramsar sites list, thus total number of Indian Wetland sites in This list rose to 38. 

    Ramsar Convention Signed in 1971 the Ramsar convention is a global treaty focusing on management and protection of important wetlands. India is among 170 signatory countries that agreed to pay attention and initiate needful actions towards conservation of wetlands. Globally, so far over 2300 wetlands have been identified as Ramsar sites. 

    To read more, click this link

    Biospheres in India: There are 18 biospheres in India, 1st such sphere recognised was Nilgiri in 1986, Latest is Panna in M.P. in 2011. Under Man & Biosphere program, there are 11 such Indian entities.

    Vulture Conservation Center: in Maharajganj(UP).  To read more  visit here

    National Wild Life week: 3 October - 8 October.

    Uganda becomes the first African country to submit REDD+ results:  paves way for payments, The mechanism by the United Nations calls for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Uganda has become the first African country to submit results for Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

    REDD+ is a mechanism developed by the parties to the UNFCCC to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

    The results submitted to the UNFCCC has paved the way for potential results-based payments to the country, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said on June 24, 2020.

     To read more,  click here

    Kerala Govt. got a UN prize: for 'outstanding contribution' towards prevention, control of non-communicable diseases. To read more, Click here

    CoP 26: to be held in November 2020 at Glasgow, Scotland.

    J & K govt.: set up a 10-member Bio-Diversity council for the state.

    World’s 1st Solar Technology Summit, hosted by: India,

    Odisha Govt: decided to set up Elephant Rehabilitation Centre at Kumarkhunti in Chandaka-Dampada sanctuary close to the State capital. To read more, click here.

    Mexico: the 1st nation to launch 'world's first' sovereign bond linked to U.N. sustainability goals. To read more, click here.

    Rome's Fiumicino Airport: awarded world's first five-star anti-COVID award

    India for Renewable Energy:


    Digging in the past:--

    •  Water Pollution Act: 1974.
    •  Methemoglobinemia: is Blue Blood Disease.
    •  Nitro-Oxide: is released by Supersonic Planes.
    •  1st Ozone Conference: Montreal (Canada), 1987
    • CFL emits: Hg.
    • Auto-Battery emits: Lead.
    • Diesel Engine emits: Nitrogen Oxide.
    • Biodiversity is highest in Prairies.
    • El Nino: warm current.
    • Puga Valley (J & K, Ladakh Region): is famous for its Geothermal Energy Potential.
    • Shri Badri Nath: Houses hot water tank for bathing, enabled by Geothermal Energy.
    • Manikaran (H.P.): famed for hot springs.
    • CoP(Earth Summit): is an annual conference discussing Climate Changes, Since Rio Conference.  The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental Treaty 1992 and opened for signature at the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992. It then entered into force on 21 March 1994, after a sufficient number of countries, had ratified it. The UNFCCC's objective is to "stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the Climate System. The framework sets non-binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement mechanisms. Instead, the framework outlines how specific international treaties (called "protocols" or "Agreements") may be negotiated to specify further action towards the objective of the UNFCCC.
    • Biofuel: obtained from plant material to produce Bioethanol & Biodiesel.
    • Syngas: is the gas obtained from Biodegradable Municipal Waste through process of Incarnation & Gasification.
    • Asbestos Fibres: causes Lung Cancer.
    • CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wilf Flora ):  CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as the Washington Convention) is a multilateral treaty to protect endangered plants and animals. It was drafted as a result of a resolution adopted in 1963 at a meeting of members of the international union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) This convention was opened for signature in 1973 and CITES entered into force on 1 July 1975.
    • Eutrophication: it is nothing but the excessive addition of Nitrates and Phosphates through Fertilizers and sewer. Eutrophication, or hypertrophication, is when a body of water becomes overly enriched with minerals and nutrients which induce excessive growth of algae. This process may result in oxygen depletion of the water body.
    • Algae Bloom: it is nothing but enhanced growth of Aquatic vegetables. An algal bloom or algae bloom is a rapid increase or accumulation in the population of algae in freshwater or marine water systems, and is often recognized by the discoloration in the water from their pigments.
    • ·        Bio-Diversity Hot-SpotH: areas where there is a high concentration of Endemic Species and is suffering from habitat loss or distortion. A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with significant levels of biodiversity that is threatened by human habitation.

    ·        Anoxic Water: Anoxic waters are areas of seawater, freshwater, or groundwater that are depleted of dissolved oxygen. The US Geological Survey defines anoxic groundwater as those with a dissolved oxygen concentration of less than 0.5 milligrams per liter.

    ·        Hypoxia: It is the situation of Anoxic Water, having 0% concentration of Dissolved Oxygen.

    ·        Hypoxic or Dyoxic water: water is having a concentration of D.O. between 1% to 30%.

     Exaerobic: when the area D.O. concentration lies between two.

    ·        Dead Zones: Dead zones are hypoxic (low-oxygen) areas in the world's oceans and large lakes, caused by "excessive nutrient pollution from human activities coupled with other factors that deplete the oxygen required to support most marine life in bottom and near-bottom water. Currently there are some 400 dead zones worldwide.·  

    Biomagnification: This implies the concentration of Toxic in successive magnification by Toxic Compound that passes forth via Food Chain. Biomagnification, also known as bio-amplification or biological magnification, is any concentration of a toxin, such as pesticides, in the tissues of tolerant organisms at successively higher levels in a food chain. 

    It is all due to the excessive exploitation of resources that led to this devastating situation. Hence, To avoid it, we should adopt for Sustainable Development

    Various Social Movements to Save Environment/Ecology:


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