Thursday, 21 March 2024

Report/ findings 2024

Reports/Findings 2024 

 =>21st Livestock Census:

  •  The Livestock Census is conducted every five years.
  • The census carries out a headcount of the number of domesticated animals, poultry, and stray animals in the country.
  • The census takes into account information about the species, breed, age, sex, and ownership status of the animals in question.
  • Background: Since 1919, a total of 20 livestock censuses have been carried out so far, with the last being conducted in 2019.
  • The enumeration process for the 21st census will take place between October 2024 to February 2025.
  • Focus of 21st Livestock Census
    • According to the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, information on sixteen animal species will be collected in the 21st census. These include: cattle, buffalo, mithun, yak, sheep, goat, pig, camel, horse, ponies, mule, donkey, dog, rabbit, and elephant.
    • In total, the census will capture information on 219 indigenous breeds of these sixteen species recognised by ICAR-National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR).
    • Besides these, the census will also carry out a headcount of poultry birds such as fowl, chicken, duck, turkey, geese, quail, ostrich, and emu.
  • The census this time will be fully digitised, like the last one in 2019.

=>Global hunger index 2024(GHI): According to the 2024 Global Hunger Index (GHI), India ranks 105th out of 127 countries, placing it in the "serious" category for hunger levels. The 2024 Global Hunger Index (GHI) suggests that India's undernourished population this year would effectively rank as the seventh most populous country in the world — with roughly the population of Brazil, a staggering 200 million people.

=>5th-National Water Awards 2023: The Department of Water Resources, River Development, and Ganga Rejuvenation (DoWR, RD & GR), under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, proudly announces the winners of the 5th National Water Awards (NWA), 2023. These prestigious awards recognize the efforts of individuals, organizations, and institutions across India in water conservation and management. With 38 winners across 9 categories, the awards aim to raise awareness and encourage best practices in water usage and sustainability. In the Best State category, Odisha has claimed the top prize for its exceptional work in water resource management and sustainability. Uttar Pradesh secured second place, while Gujarat and Puducherry were honored as joint third-place winners.

=>The living planet report 2024: The 2024 Living Planet Index reports a 73% average decline in wildlife populations. The headline figure from the 2024 update of the LPI is that studied wildlife populations have seen an average decline of 73% from 1970 through 2020.

=>Fortunes of India's billionaires skyrocket: Fortunes of India's billionaires skyrocket 40%, crossing $1 trillion mark: Forbes. 

In the past 12 months alone, they added $316 billion, marking a nearly 40% increase. Over 80% of the richest Indians saw their wealth grow, with 58 of them adding $1 billion or more to their fortunes.

=>Skytrax Airlines Awards 2024: The World Airline Awards is a non-profit section of Skytrax business, created to ensure an ethical and independent awards process. 

Qatar Airways is one of the big winners of the Skytrax Awards 2024. Indian airline Vistara is among the best and is at the 16th rank. others are:

=>India is the largest recipient of remittances: India was the largest recipient of $125 billion in 2023, rising to $135 billion in 2024. India will be the largest recipient of remittances, with inflows likely to increase 12.4% to $125 billion in 2023 or 3.4% of the country’s gross domestic product, according to World Bank’s latest report

=>Globally top Solar Energy producer Nations: Here, China tops the list, USA is at 2nd rank while India is at 3rd place putting Japan back at 4th position.

=>The global cybercrime report, 2024: India was placed on the 80th position in a report focusing on local threats in the year 2023. The position is based on the malicious programs found directly on users’ computers or removable media connected to them (flash drives, camera memory cards, phones, external hard drives) or that initially made their way onto the computer in non-open form, including programs in complex installers or encrypted files.

Read more here

=>Lancet Population Trends Report: from "data from the Global Burden of Disease Study".

Read more at:      Future Population Trends
=>IQ Air Report 2024: It summarizes the data for the year 2023. India is the 3rd most polluted nation, whereas 1st is Bangladesh & 2nd is Pakistan.

Delhi is the most polluted capital city.

some other findings of the report:

Key findings from the 2023 World Air Quality Report:

  • Seven countries met the WHO annual PM2.5 guideline (annual average of 5 µg/m3 or less): AustraliaEstoniaFinlandGrenadaIcelandMauritius, and New Zealand.

  • The top five most polluted countries in 2023 were:
    •  Bangladesh (79.9 µg/m3) more than 15 times higher than the WHO PM2.5 annual guideline
    •  Pakistan (73.7 µg/m3) more than 14 times higher than the WHO PM2.5 annual guideline
    •  India (54.4 µg/m3) more than 10 times higher than the WHO PM2.5 annual guideline
    •  Tajikistan (49.0 µg/m3) more than 9 times higher than the WHO PM2.5 annual guideline
    •  Burkina Faso (46.6 µg/m3) more than 9 times higher than the WHO PM2.5 annual guideline
  • A total of 124 (92.5%) out of 134 countries and regions exceeded the WHO annual PM2.5 guideline value of 5 µg/m3.

  • Africa remains the most underrepresented continent, with a third of the population still lacking access to air quality data.

  • Climate conditions and transboundary haze were major factors in Southeast Asia, where PM2.5 concentrations rose in nearly every country.

  • The region of Central & South Asia was home to the top ten most polluted cities in the world.
  • Begusarai, India was the most polluted metropolitan area of 2023. India was home to the four most polluted cities in the world. 

  • The most polluted major U.S. city was Columbus, OhioBeloit, Wisconsin was the most polluted city in the U.S.

  • Las Vegas, Nevada was the cleanest major city in the U.S.

  • For the first time in the history of this report, Canada was the most polluted country in Northern America, with the region's 13 most polluted cities located within its borders.

  • 70% of the real-time air quality data in the region of Latin America & Caribbean comes from low-cost sensors.

=>India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2021(17th Report): 

presented in 2021. It is the 17th biennial assessment of India’s forests by the Forest Survey of India, an organisation under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC).


  • It is the 17th biennial assessment of India’s forests by the Forest Survey of India
  • an organisation under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC).
  • The ISFR 2021 presents the latest status of the 'Forest cover' and 'Tree cover' of the country, 
  • estimates of growing stock, the extent of trees outside forests, mangrove cover, bamboo resources, 
  • and assessment of forest carbon stock.
  • In addition to the regular chapters, this time round, a special chapter on “Forest Cover assessment in 
  • Tiger reserves and Tiger corridor areas of the country and decadal change in Forest Cover” has also 
  • been included.
  • Results of the two special studies namely Above Ground Biomass Estimation using Synthetic
 Aperture Radar data (carried out in collaboration with ISRO) and Climate hot spots in forest areas studies (carried out in collaboration with BITS Pilani, Goa campus) are also being presented in this report.
  • New initiatives taken up in the last two years by the Forest Survey of India (FSI) team are also being 
presented as a special chapter.
  • India's progress towards achieving the Nationally Determined Contribution commitments are also 
included as part of the chapter on Forest carbon assessment.

Key Findings

  • The Total Forest and Tree cover is 24.62% of the geographical area of the country.
    • The Total Forest cover is 7,13,789 sq km which is 21.71% of the geographical area of the country.
    • The Tree cover is 2.91% of the geographical area of the country.
  • As compared to ISFR 2019 the current assessment shows an increase of:
    • 0.28% of forest and tree cover put together, at the national level.
    • Forest Cover: 0.22%
    • Tree Cover: 0.76%
  • Change in Recorded forest Area/Green Wash (RFA/GW) as compared to previous assessment of 2019.
    • Forest Cover within the RFA/GW: A slight increase of 31 sq km.
    • Forest Cover outside the RFA/GW: There is an increase of 1,509 sq km.
  • The top five states in terms of increase in forest cover:
    • Andhra Pradesh>Telangana>Odisha>Karnataka>Jharkhand.
  • Forest cover in the hill districts is 40.17% of the total geographical area of these districts. A decrease 
of 902 sq km (0.32%) in 140 hill districts of the country.
  • The total forest cover in the tribal districts is 37.53% of the geographical area of these districts.
The current assessment shows a decrease of 655 sq km of forest cover inside the RFA/GW in the tribal districts and an increase of 600 sq km outside.
assessment shows a decrease of forest cover to the extent of 1,020 sq km (0.60%) in the region.
  • Mangrove cover: The Mangrove cover in the country has increased by 0.34% as compared to the 
previous assessment.
  • Total Carbon Stock: The total carbon stock in forests is estimated as 7,204.0 million tonnes an increase 
of 79.4 million tonnes since 2019.
  • Forest Prone to Fire: The analysis reveals that 22.27% of the forest cover is prone to forest fire.
  • Bamboo Forests: The total bamboo-bearing area of the country is estimated as 1,49,443 sq km. There 
is a decrease of 10,594 sq km in the bamboo-bearing area as compared to the estimate of ISFR 2019. ... ...

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